Word For Mac Symbol Greater Than Or Equal To


With the Math AutoCorrect feature turned on, you can use these common short codes to quickly insert math symbols in Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint files. Does not equal sign (≠): e or eq; Approximately equal to (≅): cong; Less than or equal to (≤): le or leq; Greater than or equal to (≥): ge or geq; Almost equal to. Number Forms and Mathematical Symbols. You can use these symbols in your questions or assignments. Equalgreater ⋜ equal. Macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), airport extreme Posted on Oct 27, 2011 1:47 PM Reply I have this question too (1155) I have this question too Me too (1155) Me too. Practice connecting inequality word phrases with their appropriate inequality symbol. A B; minimum: greater than or equal to: less than or equal to: less than.

In UnicodeU+003E>GREATER-THAN SIGN (HTML >·>, >)


Different from

The greater-than sign is a mathematical symbol that denotes an inequality between two values. The widely adopted form of two equal-length strokes connecting in an acute angle at the right, >, has been found in documents dated as far back as the 1560s. In mathematical writing, the greater-than sign is typically placed between two values being compared and signifies that the first number is greater than the second number. Examples of typical usage include 1.5 > 1 and 1 > −2. Since the development of computer programming languages, the greater-than sign and the less-than sign have been repurposed for a range of uses and operations.


The symbols < and > first appear in Artis Analyticae Praxis ad Aequationes Algebraicas Resolvendas (The Analytical Arts Applied to Solving Algebraic Equations) by Thomas Harriot (1560–1621), which was published posthumously in 1631. The text states: 'Signum majoritatis ut a > b significet a majorem quam b' and 'Signum minoritatis ut a < b significet a minorem quam b.'

According to historian Art Johnson (page 144), while Harriot was surveying North America, he saw a Native American with a symbol that resembled the greater-than sign, in both backwards and forwards forms.[1] Johnson says it is likely he (Harriot) developed the two symbols from this symbol.[1]


The 'greater-than sign' > is an original ASCII character (hex 3E, decimal 62).

The Unicodecode point is U+003E>GREATER-THAN SIGN (HTML &#62;·&gt;, &GT;); this is inherited from the same allocation in ASCII.

Angle brackets[edit]

The greater-than sign is sometimes used for an approximation of the closing angle bracket, (or 'upright chevron'). The proper Unicode character is U+232ARIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET (HTML &#9002;). ASCII does not have angular brackets.

Programming language[edit]

BASIC and C-family languages (including Java[2] and C++) use the operator > to mean 'greater than'. In Lisp-family languages, > is a function used to mean 'greater than'.In Coldfusion and Fortran, operator .GT. means 'greater than'.

Double greater-than sign[edit]

The double greater-than sign, >>, is used for an approximation of the much greater than sign. ASCII does not have the much greater-than sign.

The double greater-than sign is also used for an approximation of the closing guillemet, ».

In Java, C, and C++, the operator >> is the right-shift operator. In C++ it is also used to get input from a stream, similar to the C functions getchar and fgets.

In Haskell, the >> function is a monadic operator. It is used for sequentially composing two actions, discarding any value produced by the first. In that regard, it is like the statement sequencing operator in imperative languages, such as the semicolon in C.

In XPath the >> operator returns true if the left operand follows the right operand in document order; otherwise it returns false.[3]

Triple greater-than sign[edit]

The triple greater-than sign, >>>, is the unsigned-right-shift operator in JavaScript. Three greater-than signs form the distinctive 'three chevron prompt' of the firmware console in MicroVAX, VAXstation, and DEC Alpha computers (known as the SRM console in the latter). This is also the default prompt of the Python interactive shell, often seen for code examples that can be executed interactively in the interpreter:

Greater-than sign with equals sign[edit]

The greater-than sign plus the equals sign, >=, is used for an approximation of the greater than or equal to sign, . ASCII does not have a greater-than-or-equal-to sign.

InBASIC, Lisp-family languages, and C-family languages (including Java and C++), operator >= means 'greater than or equal to'. In Sinclair BASIC it is encoded as a single-byte code point token.

In Fortran, operator .GE. means 'greater than or equal to'.

In Bourne shell and Windows PowerShell, the operator -ge means 'greater than or equal to'.

In Lua, operator >=means 'greater than or equal to' and is used like this

expected output:x(number >= 5) is more or equal to y(5) or x(number < 5) is less than y(5)

Hyphen-minus with greater-than sign[edit]

In some programming languages (for example F#), the greater-than sign is used in conjunction with a hyphen-minus to create an arrow (->). Arrows like these could also be used in text where other arrow symbols are unavailable. In the R programming language, this can be used as the right assignment operator. In the C, C++, and C# programming languages, this is used as a member access operator. In Swift, it is used to indicate the return value type when defining a function (i.e., func foo() -> MyClass {...}).

Shell scripts[edit]

In Bourne shell (and many other shells), greater-than sign is used to redirect output to a file. Greater-than plus ampersand (>&) is used to redirect to a file descriptor.

Spaceship operator[edit]

Greater-than sign is used in the 'spaceship operator', <=>.


In HTML (and SGML and XML), the greater-than sign is used at the end of tags. The greater-than sign may be included with &gt;, while &ge; produces the greater-than or equal to sign.

E-mail and the Internet[edit]

The greater-than sign is used to denote quotations in the e-mail and newsgroup formats, and this has been taken into use also in forums. It is also used before a sentence for a sense of implication. (>implying)

See also[edit]


  1. ^ ab Johnson, Art. 'History of Mathematical Symbols'. Classic Math: History Topics for the Classroom. Dale Seymour Publications, 1994.
  2. ^'Summary of Operators'. docs.oracle.com. Retrieved 5 February 2020.
  3. ^'XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second Edition)'. www.w3.org. W3C. 14 December 2010. Retrieved 29 October 2019.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Greater-than_sign&oldid=992777904'

How are you with solving word problems in Algebra? Are you ready to dive into the 'real world' of inequalities? I know that solving word problems in Algebra is probably not your favorite, but there's no point in learning the skill if you don't apply it.

I promise to make this as easy as possible. Pay close attention to the key words given below, as this will help you to write the inequality. Once the inequality is written, you can solve the inequality using the skills you learned in our past lessons.

I've tried to provide you with examples that could pertain to your life and come in handy one day. Think about others ways you might use inequalities in real world problems. I'd love to hear about them if you do!

Before we look at the examples let's go over some of the rules and key words for solving word problems in Algebra (or any math class).

How To Do “greater Than” Or “equal To” In Words

Word Problem Solving Strategies

  • Read through the entire problem.
  • Highlight the important information and key words that you need to solve the problem.
  • Identify your variables.
  • Write the equation or inequality.
  • Solve.
  • Write your answer in a complete sentence.
  • Check or justify your answer.

I know it always helps too, if you have key words that help you to write the equation or inequality. Here are a few key words that we associate with inequalities! Keep these handy as a reference.

Inequality Key Words

  • at least - means greater than or equal to
  • no more than - means less than or equal to
  • more than - means greater than
  • less than - means less than

Ok... let's put it into action and look at our examples.

Example 1: Inequality Word Problems

Keith has $500 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least $200 in the account by the end of the summer. He withdraws $25 each week for food, clothes, and movie tickets.

  • Write an inequality that represents Keith's situation.
  • How many weeks can Keith withdraw money from his account? Justify your answer.


Step 1: Highlight the important information in this problem.

Note: At least is a key word that notes that this problem must be written as an inequality.

Step 2: Identify your variable. What don't you know? The question verifies that you don't know how many weeks.

Let w = the number of weeks

Step 3: Write your inequality.

500 - 25w > 200

I know you are saying, 'How did you get that inequality?'

I know the 'at least' part is tricky. You would probably think that at least means less than.

But... he wants the amount in his account to be at least $200 which means $200 or greater. So, we must use the greater than or equal to symbol.

Step 4: Solve the inequality.

The number of weeks that Keith can withdraw money from his account is 12 weeks or less.

Step 5: Justify (prove your answer mathematically).

I'm going to prove that the largest number of weeks is 12 by substituting 12 into the inequality for w. You could also substitute any number less than 12.

Since 200 is equal to 200, my answer is correct. Any more than 12 weeks and his account balance would be less than $200. Any number of weeks less than 12 and his account would stay above $200.

That wasn't too bad, was it? Let's take a look at another example.

Example 2: More Inequality Word Problems

Yellow Cab Taxi charges a $1.75 flat rate in addition to $0.65 per mile. Katie has no more than $10 to spend on a ride.

  • Write an inequality that represents Katie's situation.
  • How many miles can Katie travel without exceeding her budget? Justify your answer.


Step 1: Highlight the important information in this problem.

Note: No more than are key words that note that this problem must be written as an inequality.

Step 2: Identify your variable. What don't you know? The question verifies that you don't know the number of miles Katie can travel.

Let m = the number of miles

Step 3: Write the inequality.

0.65m + 1.75 < 10

Are you thinking, 'How did you write that inequality?'

The 'no more than' can also be tricky. 'No more than' means that you can't have more than something, so that means you must have less than!

Step 4: Solve the inequality.

Since this is a real world problem and taxi's usually charge by the mile, we can say that Katie can travel 12 miles or less before reaching her limit of $10.

Step 5: Justify (prove your answer mathematically).

Word For Mac Symbol Greater Than Or Equal To

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